The PFA appoints Intertrust’s Andrew Cannane as President of Executive Committee

PFA News

Property Funds Association (PFA), the peak body representing Australia’s unlisted property funds industry, has appointed Andrew Cannane, Executive Director of Intertrust Australia, as President of its Executive Committee.

Mr Cannane has served on the PFA Executive Committee for 12 years, and replaces Steven Bennett, CEO Direct Property at Charter Hall, who has finished his two-year term.

PFA has appointed Melissa Kingham, Executive Director of the Haben Property Fund, as Vice President of the committee.

Paul Healy, CEO of the PFA, welcomed the new President and Vice President of the PFA Executive Committee. “We are delighted to appoint Andrew and Melissa to the roles of President and Vice President. They each bring substantial knowledge, passion and experience to the committee.

“I thank our previous President, Steven Bennett, for his outstanding leadership and steady hand during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

New President Andrew Cannane said unlisted property funds would continue to provide valuable diversification and returns for investors. “Our industry in Australia includes some of the best property investment funds and managers in the world, and I am honoured to represent them as President of the PFA.

“Direct property has an incredible track record at providing income returns and capital growth. The opportunities to use direct property funds for greater diversification is also a major benefit to investors.

“It’s an exciting time to be in commercial property investment. The innovation we are seeing across the traditional and emerging property asset classes has been inspiring, and will play a key role in the COVID recovery.”